195 research outputs found

    Spreading of Information through “Silaturahmi” Network\ud

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    The paper introduces the organization concept of silaturahmi that widely used as an important concept to maintain a lot of community structures in Indonesia. One of the organization is alumni forum where alumni gathers and establishes an institutional organization. The concept of silaturahmi is demonstrated to build a network among alumni that has been spread world-wide by observing the clustered gathered in social clusters. The paper reports the small world topology emerged and discusses some interesting conjectures regarding to social institutions that is made upon the concept of silaturahmi

    The Phylomemetics of Batik

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    The paper reports the analysis of phylomemetic tree onto batik motifs developed uniquely in all corners of living and in the heart of tradition of Indonesian people. The diversity is visualized, be it classical traditional motifs and the ones recognized to be recently innovated. This is the first important thing we can learn about through the phylomemetic tree, i.e.: as a visualization of creativity landscapes of Indonesian batik. The second thing to be learnt is that we could see the clustering of collective cognitive people respect to different ethnic groups and community in which the batik motifs were originally developed as well as innovated and improved dependent on the way people at the region produce, design, and then appreciate batik. This brings us to the concluding remarks, that batik is the world heritage grown in Indonesian archipelago

    Deconstructing Javanese Batik Motif: When Traditional Heritage Meets Computation

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    The paper discusses some aspects of Iterated Function System while referring to some interesting point of view into Indonesian traditional batik. The deconstruction is delivered in our recognition of the Collage Theorem to find the affine transform of the iterated function system that attracts the iteration of drawing the dots into the complex motif of – or at least, having high similarity to – batik patterns. We employ and revisit the well-known Chaos Game to reconstruct after having some basic motifs is deconstructed. The reconstruction of the complex pattern opens a quest of creativity broadening the computationally generated batik exploiting its self-similarity properties. A challenge to meet the modern computational generative art with the traditional batik designs is expected to yield synergistically interesting results aesthetically. The paper concludes with two arrows of our further endeavors in this field, be it enriching our understanding of how human cognition has created such beautiful patterns and designs traditionally since ancient civilizations in our anthropological perspective while in the other hand providing us tool to the empowerment of batik as generative aesthetics by employment of computation. \u

    What can we do with the Research Institute for Social Complexity Sciences in Indonesia?

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    The article discussed about the research opportunities in social complexity studies, especially in Indonesia. This issue is connected to the establishment a social research institute in Indonesia, how to establish and maintain it regarding the interdisciplinary research field. However a lot of localities are taken into the consideration to maintain the social complexity research institute, there would always things that can be learnt by any other similar research institute

    An Alternative Postulate to see Melody as “Language”

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    The paper proposes a way to see melodic features in music/songs in the terms of “letters” constituting “words”, while in return investigating the fulfillment of Zipf-Mandelbrot Law in them. Some interesting findings are reported including some possible conjectures for classification of melodic and musical artifacts considering several aspects of culture. The paper ends with some discussions related to further directions, be it enrichment in musicology and the possible plan for musical generative art

    Exploring Ancient Architectural Designs with Cellular Automata\ud

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    The paper discusses the utilization of three-dimensional cellular automata employing the two-dimensional totalistic cellular automata to simulate how simple rules could emerge a highly complex architectural designs of some Indonesian heritages. A detailed discussion is brought to see the simple rules applied in Borobudur Temple, the largest ancient Buddhist temple in the country with very complex detailed designs within. The simulation confirms some previous findings related to measurement of the temple as well as some other ancient buildings in Indonesia. This happens to open further exploitation of the explanatory power presented by cellular automata for complex architectural designs built by civilization not having any supporting sophisticated tools, even standard measurement systems

    Landscape in the Economy of Conspicuous Consumptions \ud

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    Psychological states side by side with the bounded rational expectations among social agents contributes to the pattern of consumptions in economic system. One of the psychological states are the envy – a tendency to emulate any gaps with other agents’ properties. The evolutionary game theoretic works on conspicuous consumption are explored by growing the micro-view of economic agency in lattice-based populations, the landscape of consumptions. The emerged macro-view of multiple equilibria is shown in computational simulative demonstrations altogether with the spatial clustered agents based upon the emerged agents’ economic profiles

    Evolutionary Clustering in Indonesian Ethnic Textile Motifs \ud

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    The wide varieties of Indonesian textiles could reflect the varsity that has been living with the diversity of Indonesian ethnic groups. Meme as an evolutionary modeling technique promises some conjectures to capture the innovative process of the cultural objects production in the particular collective patterns acquainted can be regarded as fitness in the large evolutionary landscape of cultural life. We have presented the correlations between memeplexes that is transformed into distances has generated the phylomemetic tree, both among some samples from Indonesian textile handicrafts and batik, the designs that have been living through generations with Javanese people, the largest ethnic group in Indonesian archipelago. The memeplexes is extracted from the geometrical shape, i.e.: fractal dimensions and the histogram analysis of the employed colorization. We draw some interesting findings from the tree and open the future anthropological development that might catch the attention further observation

    How Far Can We Go Through Social System?

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    The paper elaborates an endeavor on applying the algorithmic information-theoretic computational complexity to meta-social-sciences. It is motivated by the effort on seeking the impact of the well-known incompleteness theorem to the scientific methodology approaching social phenomena. The paper uses the binary string as the model of social phenomena to gain understanding on some problems faced in the philosophy of social sciences or some traps in sociological theories. The paper ends on showing the great opportunity in recent social researches and some boundaries that limit them

    Computational Experiments with the Fuzzy Love and Romance

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    The paper report some experiments on the issue of human mating games and sexual preferences in the perspective of population and some macro-social realms. The notions of love, romance, fidelity, and sexual attractiveness are those comprising the theory to human intra-species evolution but yet still rare to be employed to understand human social, economic, and cultural studies in terms of sociology or economics. The paper did experiments on those issues, on the possible relation between population growth, power-law distribution of wealth, and some other relevant points to our realization of evolutionary theory of sexual selection. The paper expects to open an alternative bridge of our advancement in human evolution and the complexity of the social system
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